Elicense.az.gov is the primary source for license verification. Click consumer information then acupuncture directory to be redirected.
The Board’s mission is to protect the health, safety and welfare, and safety of the citizens of Arizona by regulating and maintaining standards of practice for acupuncture.
Responsibilities include:
- Laws governing the practice of acupuncture are applied properly.
- Complaints are investigated and reviewed by the Board.
- Appropriate disciplinary action is applied to acupuncturists that break the public trust through a violation of law.
- Qualifications of acupuncture applicants are met prior to licensing.
- Qualifications of auricular acupuncture applicants are met prior to certifying.
- Statutory requirements are met for renewal of licenses.
- Applications for continuing education programs meet statutory requirements.
- Applications for program and clinical training meet statutory requirements.
- Regulations and laws are updated.
The Governor appoints, to a three-year term, the seven members that make up the Acupuncture Board of Examiners. The Board is comprised of three licensed acupuncturists, one member who is either a licensed acupuncturist or auricular acupuncturist, one professional member who is licensed as a MD, DO, NMD, HMD or DC and two public members.
- Graduate or complete an accredited or Board approved program of acupuncture.
- Complete at least 1850 hours of training that includes 800 hours of clinic.
- Successfully complete a clean needle technique course.
- Be certified by NCCAOM or pass the NCCAOM exams required to be certified by NCCAOM, or licensed by another state with similar standards to Arizona.
- Has not had a license or certificate revoked.
- A completed and signed statement of citizenship form.
- Application
That depends on when the application and all required documentation are received. To get on the Board agenda, the application has to be complete one week before the Board meeting date. The Board generally meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Board meeting dates.
Yes. You can have your official school transcripts, verifications of licensure in another state(s), clean needle technique course completion documentation, statement of citizenship documentation, and NCCAOM exam results sent ahead of your application. The Board maintains a file of these items for up to 2 months. The application process will not start until the application and fees are received.
One of the essential responsibilities of the Board is to discipline the few acupuncturists who violate the laws governing acupuncture.
All complaints are investigated thoroughly. Once the investigation is complete the matter will be set on a Board meeting agenda for review. The Board will determine if there was a possible violation of law. If so, the Board will conduct a hearing on the matter. If no violation of law is determined the Board can dismiss the matter without further review. If no violation was determined but the Board had concerns they could issue a non-disciplinary letter of concern.
If after a hearing, a violation of law is determined, the Board can impose the following disciplinary sanctions:
- Letter of concern
- Decree of censure
- Probation
- Restrict or limit the practice of the licensee
- Civil Penalty of not more than $10,000.00 per violation
- Suspend a license
- Revoke a license
You can contact the Board office at (602) 542-3095 or click here to determine the status of an acupuncturist’s license. The status will tell you if a license is, active, expired, lapsed, surrendered, suspended or revoked. If there are any disciplinary sanctions, you will be able to click on the name and view a summary or the whole document. Or you can call the Board office and staff can report on the sanction. The public can arrange to view the acupuncturist’s public record at the Board office, which is located at:
State of Arizona
Acupuncture Board of Examiners
1740 W. Adams, Ste 3005
Phoenix, AZ 85007
All complaints filed against an acupuncturist are investigated and brought before the Board for review and action.
- A complaint number is assigned and file opened.
- A copy of the complaint is sent to the acupuncturist and response is required.
- Any supporting documents are obtained.
- A copy of the response is sent to the complainant who then can make a written rebuttal.
- Once the complaint investigation is complete the matter is set on a Board agenda for them to review.
- At the Board meeting, they will determine the following during their review:
- Is the nature of the complaint under the Board’s jurisdiction?
- If the answer is “No”, the complaint will be dismissed because the Board has no jurisdiction to proceed.
- If the answer is “Yes”, the Board will go onto number two below.
Is there a substantive basis on which to believe a law may have been violated?
- If the answer is “No”, the complaint will be dismissed.
- If the answer is “No”, but the Board had concerns, they could dismiss the complaint with a non-disciplinary letter of concern.
- If the answer is “Yes”, the complaint is voted to hearing.
- If the answer is “Not sure”, then the Board can hold the complaint open for further investigation.
- Is the nature of the complaint under the Board’s jurisdiction?
Both the complainant and the acupuncturist will be notified of the time and location of the Board meeting so they can be present and address the Board. An acupuncturist has the right to have an attorney represent them any time through out the complaint process. Both parties will be notified in writing as to what happened to the complaint at the Board meeting.
If the complaint is voted to hearing, then a formal process takes over. The acupuncturist will be served a “Complaint Notice of Hearing”. This document identifies the date, time and place of the hearing. It will also outline the factual allegations and charges made against the acupuncturist, by the State of Arizona. An attorney can represent the acupuncturist at this hearing. The complainant should be prepared to act as a witness at the hearing.
If at the hearing the Board finds a violation of law, they can impose any of the following sanctions.
Letter of concern
Decree of censure
Restrict or limit the practice of the licensee
Civil Penalty of not more than $10,000.00 per violation
Suspend a license
Revoke a license
If at the hearing the Board finds there was no violation of law, they can dismiss the complaint.
Yes. The same complaint process holds true for auricular acupuncture certificate holders.
Anyone, including the Board may file a complaint against a licensed acupuncturist for anything they believe is a violation of law.
To get a complaint form you can download the attached document or contact the Board office at (602) 542-3095 and one will be sent to you.
When filing a complaint it must include the following information:
- The complainants name, address and telephone number.
- The acupuncturists name and address.
- The nature of the complaint with as much detail as possible.
Anonymous complaints are accepted, however, the Board cannot guarantee the anonymity of the complainant if the nature of the complaint will require a witness or testimony from the complainant.
The Board cannot accept complaints filed against a clinic or facility when an acupuncturist is not identified in the complaint.
Depending on the complexity of the investigation or if there are related criminal issues, it can take anywhere from 30 days to months to resolve. The Board makes every effort to make sure the complaint proceeds in a timely manner.